
Minims Tropicamide

Minims Tropicamide - General Information

One of the muscarinic antagonists with pharmacologic action similar to atropine and used mainly as an ophthalmic parasympatholytic or mydriatic. [PubChem]


Pharmacology of Minims Tropicamide

Minims Tropicamide belongs to the group of medicines called anti-muscarinics. Minims Tropicamide blocks the receptors in the muscles of the eye (muscarinic receptors). These receptors are involved controlling the pupil size and the shape of the lens. By blocking these receptors, tropicamide produces dilatation of the pupil (mydriasis) and prevents the eye from accommodating for near vision (cycloplegia). Minims Tropicamide is given as eye drops to dilate the pupil and relax the lens so that eye examinations can be carried out thoroughly.


Minims Tropicamide for patients

This medication is for use in the eye. One or two drops are placed in the eye(s) 15 minutes or so prior to examination. Additional drops may be necessary to achieve the desired effect for an eye examination. When used to treat eye conditions, use as directed by your prescriber for the full course of treatment. After application of the drops, apply pressure to the side of the nose where the tear duct is with your finger for 1 to 3 minutes to prevent absorption into the body.


Minims Tropicamide Interactions

The effect of antimuscarinic medicines may be enhanced by the concurrent administration of other medicines with anti-muscarinic properties such as amantadine, anti-histamines, butyrophenones, phenothiazines, and tricyclic anti-depressants.


Minims Tropicamide Contraindications

Brain damage in children, Down's syndrome (mongolism), glaucoma, angle-closure, spastic paralysis (in children), and sensitivity to tropicamide.


Additional information about Minims Tropicamide

Minims Tropicamide Indication: Indicated to induce mydriasis (dilation of the pupil) and cycloplegia (paralysis of the ciliary muscle of the eye) in diagnostic procedures, such as measurement of refractive errors and examination of the fundus of the eye.
Mechanism Of Action: Minims Tropicamide binds to and blocks the receptors in the muscles of the eye (muscarinic receptor M4). Minims Tropicamide acts by blocking the responses of the iris sphincter muscle to the iris and ciliary muscles to cholinergic stimulation, producing dilation of the pupil and paralysis of the ciliary muscle.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Tropicamide
Synonyms: Tropicamid
Drug Category: Mydriatics; Muscarinic Antagonists; Diagnostic aid, cycloplegic; Diagnostic aid, mydriatic
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Tropicamide: I-Picamide; Minims Tropicamide; Mydriacyl; Mydriafair; Mydriaticum; Ocu-Tropic; Opticyl; Paremyd; Spectro-Cyl; Tropicacyl;
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Overdose can casue dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, hallucinations and rapid/irregular pulse.
Protein Binding: 45%
Biotransformation: Not Available
Half Life: Not Available
Dosage Forms of Minims Tropicamide: Solution / drops Ophthalmic
Solution Ophthalmic
Liquid Ophthalmic
Chemical IUPAC Name: N-ethyl-3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-N-(pyridin-4-ylmethyl)propanamide
Chemical Formula: C17H20N2O2
Tropicamide on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals